Overwhelmed to Organized: Vineyard 29’s First Harvest with vintrace

It was a lot to wish for; however, a solution presented itself in vintrace. vintrace has the experience, features, and support staff Vineyard 29 needed to leap to a modern, mobile-enabled winemaking system.

April 10, 2024

Vineyard 29’s state-of-the-art winery and classic wine-making techniques have remained the key ingredients to the winery’s elegant, enjoyable wines since their inception in 1989.

To stay ahead at Vineyard 29, late-night planning and sleep deprivation during harvest became common for Head Winemaker Keith Emerson. Grueling processes, unnecessarily manual tasks, and inconsistent record-keeping inspired Vineyard 29 to look for a solution that would alleviate their delirium. The prospect of a less stressful harvest led Vineyard 29 to vintrace, an intuitive cloud winery software that enabled team collaboration and smarter, faster decision-making.

Vineyard 29 strengthens their harvest with vintrace

Vineyard 29 decided to implement vintrace before harvest in hopes it would help them shift from being overwhelmed to organized. Vineyard 29 leveraged vintrace’s team of industry experts to help them best utilize their mobile-enabled winemaking system and optimize the harvest process. The added bonus of an API gateway that communicates directly with TankNet enabled Vineyard 29’s data to flow seamlessly between systems, helping them reduce the risk of errors due to double-handling. During harvest, the winery found that vintrace:

  • Simplified decision-making with improved data integrity

  • Eliminated manual calculations with improved reporting capabilities

  • Reduced data discrepancies with improved record-keeping

  • Enabled anywhere, anytime usage with mobile accessibility across all devices (desktop, smartphone, tablet, etc.)

In addition, consistent access to the software support team at vintrace ensured Vineyard 29 could reduce stress and focus on a successful harvest.

Overall, we’ve found vintrace to be very intuitive. Best of all, the vintrace support team is only an email or phone call away and are always ready to help with a live screen share if we need.

Keith Emerson

Vineyard 29 saved time, reduced labor costs, and improved reporting with vintrace

Time previously spent on manual tasks, data entry, and reporting enabled Keith and the Vineyard 29 team to get some much-needed rest during harvest. They were able to accomplish more work with fewer people, reducing labor costs, significantly reduce paperwork and data entry backlogs, and improved reporting by eliminating the need for their lab technician to create reports.

  • 1 week of time saved on data entry and translation

  • 50% reduction in labor costs

The impact of vintrace provided Vineyard 29 with a rejuvenated approach to harvest, enabling them to reallocate time to what’s important: making the best wine possible.

vintrace has given me more time to be a winemaker, to walk the vineyards, and to taste the ferments. Issues can be addressed immediately, regardless of where I am. I can action tasks when they are fresh in my mind, and we don’t miss important details between a verbal request and a written Work Order.

Keith Emerson

Contact us for a demo

The most common feedback we get from our new clients is, "Why didn't I start using vintrace years ago?".

Contact us and we'll arrange a live demonstration online or at your place of business.